faq - frequently asked questions

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

cropped-Silderhuis-Logopedie-Beeldmerk-2024-transparant.webp Knowledge base Silderhuis Speech Therapy

Welcome to the Knowledge Base of Silderhuis Speech Therapy

In our Knowledge Bank you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about speech therapy and the various treatments we offer at Silderhuis Speech Therapy. Whether you have questions about speech and language development, voice problems, swallowing disorders, or specific conditions such as dyslexia or aphasia, we have conveniently listed the information for you.

Our goal is to keep you as informed as possible about the various options for speech therapy care and to eliminate any uncertainties. The Knowledge Bank contains valuable tips, explanations and guidelines that can help you understand speech therapy treatments and processes.

Still have questions after reading through our FAQ? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to help you further.

I am in front of the class and am very tired after a day of talking, can speech therapy help?
I've been hoarse for two weeks, should I do something about this?
My 2-year-old child says only single words, is that normal?
My 3-year-old child sometimes stutters, should I go to speech therapy for this?
My child cannot rhyme in grade 2, is that normal?
My child is falling behind in reading comprehension. Can speech therapy help?
What are the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513?
What is a CVA? (cerebrovascular accident)
What is aphasia?
What is DTL? (Direct Access Speech Therapy)
What is SNEL? (Speech and Language Standards First Line)
What is the WGBO law?
What is the WKKGZ law?
What is TOS? (language development disorder)
Where can I file a complaint?